Youth Group Camping Trip
Get ready for our CCMC English Camping Trip! We will get together on September 30 and travel to a spot where we have fun, play games,...

Fragrant, Tempting, Sticky Turkish Delight!
One sign that my readings of The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe were just a tad shallow as a boy was that my major takeaway was an...

I Am Yours, Save Me - Marriage
Written by contributing author, Irene Sun. At the lowest point of our wedding planning, I laid on the floor of my apartment, face down,...

Volunteer Opportunities Near Me
Ready to volunteer or make a difference for your local community? Looking for volunteer services near, volunteer work or jobs nearby? ...

REVIVE: Bible Study
We are starting up a new Bible Study called REVIVE on Friday nights at 8pm, meeting at the CCMC Church building: 9s565 Clarendon Hills...

Welcome to CCMC English
We are excited that you have found us at CCMC English! We are the English Congregation of Chinese Christian Mandarin Church located in...